Number Cells

Numbers all the cells in a table starting from a given value.


Author(s) : Qe7qBP5h
Category : Table
Last Updated : June 19, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

Number Cells

Please enter a starting number.
How much should it go up each time?
Changelog :

June 19, 2016 (9EFC61) - Qe7qBP5h
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language

These versions are no longer supported:

November 15, 2014 - Qe7qBP5h
Initial version


Omer Atay - 2016-11-17
Dan: You need to set font color on each paragraph in the cell.
Dan - 2016-11-17
Hi Omer,
How would I set the font color of the table cells.

Below is not correct, but I couldn’t find anything to help me

$oTableCell.text.fontColor = "#1E90FF "

Thank you
khowes - 2015-10-09
@JonSnow - I just submitted a new macro that will put the numbers in a column you can specify.  Anything in that column will be overwritten with numbers, but should work for users that have a table and want to add numbers to it.  Not sure how long things take to be approved, but email me if you want the XML.

Email:  khowes  AT  gmail  DOT  com

TechGuySoftware - full credit to you for having this as a starting point!  thank you!